(Can lead to Shock)
PUT GLOVES ON! Assign someone to lead EMTs to room.
o Have person lie down if possible; watch for signs of shock.
o Raise the injured limb above the heart to slow the
bleeding if it doesn’t cause more pain.
o Apply direct pressure to the wound; tie dressing in place.
Do not apply pressure to eye or embedded object.
Do not make the dressing too tight so as to restrict blood
flow. Do not remove dressing.
o Pressure points are on inside of upper arm just above
elbows (use your fingers) or top of leg near groin (use your palm).
o Check dressing every few minutes.
Check the injury area to make sure it is not swelling or turning blue.
Ask the person if the injured area feels numb or tingly; if they lose sensation then bandage is too tight. Do not remove the bandage but loosen it a bit.
If the first dressing becomes soaked with blood, simply put another one on top. Do not remove the original one as you will be reopening the wound.
If there is an impaled object do not remove it as this can cause more bleeding. Instead, apply dressing around the object then tie it in place to control bleeding. Take extra care not to move the object.